Or The Yogi Philosophy Of Physical Well-Being
by Yogi Ramacharaka (1904)
Chapter 11:
About Food.
We intend to leave the matter of the choice of food an open question with our
students. While, personally, we prefer certain kinds of food, believing that
the best results are obtained from the use thereof, we recognize the fact that
it is impossible to change the habits of a lifetime (yes, of many generations)
in a day, and man must be guided by his own experience and his growing
knowledge, rather than by dogmatic utterances of others. The Yogis prefer a
non-animal diet, both from hygienic reasons and the Oriental aversion to
eating the flesh of animals. The more advanced of the Yogi students prefer a
diet of fruit, nuts, olive oil, etc., together with a form of unleavened bread
made from the entire wheat. But when they travel among those who follow
different dietary rules from themselves they do not hesitate to adapt
themselves to the changed conditions, to a greater or less extent, and do not
render themselves a burden to their hosts, knowing that if they follow the
Yogi plan of masticating their food slowly their stomachs will take good care
of what they eat. In fact, some of the most indigestible things in the modern
menu may be safely eaten if the above mentioned system is adopted.
And we write this chapter in the spirit of the traveling Yogi. We have no wish
to force arbitrary rules upon our students. Man must grow into a more rational
method of eating, rather than have it forced upon him suddenly. It is hard for
one to adopt a non-meat diet, if he has been used to animal flesh all his
life, and it is equally difficult for one to take up an uncooked dietary list,
if he has been eating cooked dishes all his life. All we ask of you is to
think a little on the subject and to trust your own instinct regarding the
choice of food, giving yourself as great a variety as possible. The instinct,
if trusted, will usually cause you to select that which you need for that
particular meal, and we would prefer to trust the instinct rather than to bind
ourselves to any fixed, unchangeable dietary. Eat pretty much what you feel
like, providing you masticate it thoroughly and slowly, and give yourself a
wide range of choice. We will speak, in this chapter, of a few things which
the rational man will avoid, but will do so merely in the way of general
advice. In the matter of non-meat eating, we believe that mankind will
gradually grow to feel that meat is not its proper diet, but we believe that
one must outgrow that feeling, rather than to have it beaten out of him, for
if he "longs" for the flesh-pots of Egypt, it is about as bad as if
he really participated in the feast. Man will cease to desire meat, as he
grows, but until that time comes, any forced restraint of the meat habit will
not do him much good. We are aware that this will be considered heterodox by
many of our readers, but we cannot help that fact—our statements will stand
the test of experience.
If our students are interested in the question of the relative advantages of
particular kinds of foods, let them read some of the very good works which
have been written upon the subject of recent years. But let them read upon the
several sides of the question, and avoid being carried away by the particular
fad of the writer whose book is before them. It is instructive and interesting
to read of the comparative food values of the various articles upon our
tables, and such knowledge will gradually tend to a more rational dietary. But
such changes must be the result of thought and experience, rather than upon
the mere say so of some person riding a hobby. We suggest that our students
consider whether or not they are eating too much meat; whether they are living
upon too much fat and grease; whether they are eating enough fruit; whether
whole wheat bread would not be a good addition to their bill of fare; whether
they are not indulging in too much pastry and "made dishes." If we
were asked to give them a general rule regarding eating we would be apt to say
"eat a variety of foods; avoid 'rich' dishes; do not eat too much fat;
beware of the frying-pan; do not eat too much meat; avoid, especially, pig
meat and veal; let your general habit of eating tend toward the simple, plain
fare, rather than towards the elaborate dishes; go slow on pastry; cut out hot
cakes from your list; masticate thoroughly and slowly, according to the plan
we have given you; don't be afraid of food, if you eat it properly it will not
hurt you, providing you do not fear it."
We think it better to make the first meal of the day a light one, as there is
very little waste to repair in the morning, as the body has been at rest all
night. If possible, take a little exercise before breakfast.
If you once return to the natural habit of proper mastication, and experience
the sensation that comes from proper eating, the abnormal appetites which have
been acquired, will fall from you, and natural hunger will return. When
natural hunger is with you, the instinct will be very keen in picking out
nutritious food for you, and you will feel inclined toward that which will
give you just the nourishment you need at any particular time. Man's instinct
is a good guide, providing it has not been spoiled by the indulgence in the
absurd dishes so common in these days, which create false appetite.
If you feel "out of sorts," do not be afraid to "cut out"
a meal, and give the stomach a chance to get rid of what it has on hand. One
can go without eating for a number of days without danger, although we do not
advise prolonged fasts. We feel, however, that in sick-ness it is wise to give
the stomach a rest, in order that the recuperative energy may be directed
toward the casting out of the waste matter which has been causing the trouble.
You will notice that the animals stop eating while they are sick, and lie
around until health is restored, when they return to their meals. We may take
this lesson from them with considerable profit.
We do not wish students to become "food cranks" who weigh, measure
and analyze every mouthful of food. We consider this an abnormal method and
believe that such a course generates fear-thought and fills the Instinctive
mind with all sorts of erroneous ideas. We think it a much better plan to use
ordinary precautions and judgment in the selection of one's food, and then to
bother no more about the matter, but eat with the thought of nourishment and
strength in your minds, masticating the food as we have stated, and knowing
that nature will do its work well. Keep as close to nature as possible, and
let her plans be your standard of measurement. The strong, healthy man is not
afraid of his food, and neither should be the man who wishes to be healthy.
Keep cheerful, breathe properly, eat properly, live properly, and you will not
have occasion to make a chemical analysis of every mouthful of food. Do not be
afraid to trust to your instinct, for that is the natural man's guide, after