Or The Yogi Philosophy Of Physical Well-Being
by Yogi Ramacharaka (1904)
Chapter 6:
The Life Fluid.
In our last chapter we gave you an idea of how the food we cat is gradually
transformed and resolved into substances capable of being absorbed and taken
up by the blood, which carries the nourishment to all parts of the system,
where it is used in building tip, repairing and renewing the several parts of
the physical man. In this chapter we will give you a brief description of how
this work of the blood is carried on.
The nutritive portions of the digested food is taken up by the circulation and
becomes blood. The blood flows through the arteries to every cell and tissue
of the body that it may perform its constructive and recuperative work. It
then returns through the arteries, carrying with it the broken down cells and
other waste matter of the system, that the waste may be expelled from the
system by the lungs and other organs performing the "casting-out"
work of the system. This flow of the blood to and from the heart is called the
The engine which drives this wonderful system of physical machinery is, of
course, the Heart. We will not take tip your time describing the heart, but
will instead tell you something of the work performed by it.
Let us begin at the point at which we left off in our last chapter—the point
at which the nourishment of the food, taken up by the blood which assimilates
it, reaches the heart, which sends it out on its errand of nourishing the
The blood starts on its journey through the arteries, which are a series of
elastic canals, having divisions and subdivisions, beginning with the main
canals which feed the smaller ones, which in turn feed still smaller ones
until the capillaries are reached. The capillaries are very small blood
vessels measuring about one three-thousandth of an inch in diameter. They
resemble very fine hairs, which resemblance gives them their name. The
capillaries penetrate the tissues in meshes of network, bringing the blood in
close contact with all the parts. Their walls are very thin and the nutritious
ingredients of the blood exude through their walls and are taken up by the
tissues. The capillaries not only exude the nourishment from the blood, but
they also take tip the blood on its return journey (as we will see presently)
and generally fetch and carry for the system, including the absorption of the
nourishment of the food from the intestinal villi, as described in our last
Well, to get back to the arteries. They carry the rich, red, pure blood from
the heart, laden with health-giving nutrition and life, distributing it
through large canal into smaller, from smaller into still smaller, until
finally the tiny hair-like capillaries are reached and the tissues take up the
nourishment and use it for building purposes, the wonderful little cells of
the body doing this work most intelligently. (We shall have something to say
regarding the work of these cells, bye-and-bye.) The blood having given up a
supply of nourishment, begins its return journey to heart, taking with it the
waste products, dead cells, broken-down tissue and other refuse of the system.
It starts with the capillaries, but this return journey is not made through
the arteries, but by a switch-off arrangement it is directed into the smaller
veinlets of the venous system (or system of "veins"), from whence it
passes to the larger veins and on to the heart. Before it reaches the arteries
again, on a new trip, however, something happens to it. It goes to the
crematory of the lungs, in order to have its waste matter and impurities burnt
tip and cast off. In another chapter we will tell you about this work of the
Before passing on, however, we must tell you that there exists another fluid
which circulates through the system. This is called the Lymph, which closely
resembles the blood in composition. It contains sonic of the ingredients of
the blood which have exuded from the walls of the blood-vessels and some of
the waste products of the system, which, after being cleansed and
"made-over" by the lymphatic system, re-enter the blood, and are
again used. The lymph circulate in thin vein-like canals, so small that they
cannot be readily seen by the human eye, until they are injected with quick
silver. These canals empty into several of the large veins, and the lymph then
mingles with the returning blood, on its way to the heart. The
"Chyle," after leaving the small intestine (see last lesson) mingles
with the lymph from the lower parts of the body, and gets into the blood in
this way, while the other products of the digested food pass through the
portal vein and the liver on their journey—so that, although they take
different routes, they meet again in the circulating blood.
So, you will see the blood is the constituent of the body which, directly or
indirectly, furnishes nourishment and life to all the parts of the body. If
the blood is poor, or the circulation weak, nutrition of some parts of the
body must be impaired, and diseased conditions will result. The blood supplies
about one-tenth of man's weight. Of this amount about one-quarter is
distributed in the heart, lungs, large arteries and veins about one-quarter in
the liver; about one-quarter in the muscles, the remaining quarter being
distributed among the remaining organs and tissues. The brain utilizes about
one-fifth of the entire quantity of blood.
Remember, always, in thinking about the blood, that the blood is what you make
it by the food you eat, and the way yon eat it. You can have the very best
kind of blood, and plenty of it, by selecting the proper foods, and by eating
such food as Nature intended you to do. Or, on the other hand, you may have
very poor blood, and an insufficient quantity of it, by foolish gratification
of the abnormal Appetite, and by improper eating (not worthy of the name) of
any kind of food. The blood is the life-and you make the blood—that is the
matter in a nut-shell.
Now, let us pass on to the crematory of the lungs, and see what is going to
happen to that blue, impure venous blood, which has come back from all parts
of the body, laden with impurities and waste matter. Let us have a look at the